Sagar Fiesta 2024
2:00 PM- 1:30 PM
6th April, 2024


Vrddhi - From Vintage to Vogue

Ojas (Group Dance Competition)

Get ready to witness a thrilling showcase of talent and teamwork at our much awaited annual Group Dance Competition OJAS!! Teams from all over will converge to display their creativity, precision, and passion on stage. From contemporary to hip-hop, ballet to Bollywood, the diversity of styles promises a captivating experience for all.

Rules and Regulations:

  1. The time limit is 5-6 minutes for each performance.
  2. Each team may have 6-12 members, including coordinators.
  3. The choice of songs is open to the participants.
  4. The participants are requested to share the music piece for the dance well in advance with the event coordinators
  5. No props will be provided by the coordinators. Participants can carry their props.
  6. Dance performance should not convey any indecent gestures.
  7. A green room would be given for changing purposes.
  8. The participants will be judged based on their rhythm, formation, synchronization, expressions, and costumes, makeup, setup, and overall effects.
  9. The decision of the judges will be final and binding.

Prize Money


Sagar Fiesta Silver Medal


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