Sagar Fiesta 2024
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
5th April, 2024
Lab-3 & AI&DS AV Hall


Vrddhi - From Vintage to Vogue

ML Model Matchup

The Department of CSE-AI&DS from SISTec Gandhinagar, Bhopal, presents “The ML Matchup” at Sagar Fiesta 2024. This is a coding competition designed to check passion for ML and test ability to solve real-world problems. A real-world ML dataset will be provided by us to the participants. They need to perform Preprocessing and Model creation based on various algorithms along with the Hyperparameter Tuning to get the best result. The winner will be determined based on model accuracy and various evaluation factors along with this by an external ML Expert (Judge).

– Single Round – Participants need to create model on the day of event itself

– Dataset will be provided by us – Kaggle will be used as a platform for evaluation

– Computer systems will be provided to the participants

– Certificates will be provided to all participants in hardcopy

Prize Money


Sagar Fiesta Silver Medal


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