Sagar Fiesta 2024
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
5th April, 2021


Nukkad Natak is an art of performing drama/ Plays for creating social awareness on sensitive topics.

  1. Nukkad Natak can be in Hindi or English.
  2. Time limit: 15 minutes. The warning bell will be rung after 12 minutes. Teams will be disqualified if they exceed the time limit.
  3. Usage of abusive language is strictly prohibited and may lead to disqualification.
  4. The judge’s decision will be final.
  5. Use of any sort of hazardous element/prop is strictly prohibited.
  6. Performance should be confined within the Nukked area, as defined by the organizers.
  7. Teams can use banners and posters.
  8. Teams are allowed to use musical props as Dholak, Flute, or any other musical instrument of their choice.
  9. Teams have to arrange for their props. It won’t be provided by SISTec.


  1. Any Social Cause.
  2. Technology & Innovation

Prize Money


Sagar Fiesta Silver Medal


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